Indian Media ; The Crisis of Integrity



The state of popular electronic media in India is indeed facing a crisis of integrity. It appears to have veered away from its traditional role as the fourth pillar of democracy and instead adopted a more subservient role as the government's mouthpiece.

Rather than upholding its responsibility to provide unbiased and critical reporting, it seems that a significant portion of the media is now primarily focused on promoting the government in power. This shift has led to a lack of balance and objectivity in news coverage.

An example of this imbalance is evident in the situation regarding the surge of dengue cases in Uttar Pradesh, which is ruled by their darling ; Mr Yogi. While government data indicates 24 deaths in the state so far, the potential toll could be much higher if data from private hospitals is considered. Dengue has spread to numerous villages and small towns near major cities like Lucknow, Meerut, Moradabad, Kanpur, and Bareilly. There is a need for transparency and accurate reporting, especially in health crises, as citizens deserve to be well-informed about the situation and there is a pressure on Govt to improve its services.

The Govt sources claim that there are only 13000 cases but there can be many more, given the fact that even small kids residing in a village now Know that in Dengue Platelet count goes down.

The media's primary role should be to report events objectively, without bias, and to act as a watchdog, holding the government accountable for its actions or inactions. When the media becomes preoccupied with promoting religious or divisive narratives, it can detract from addressing essential issues like public health infrastructure, sanitation, and healthcare quality.

Democracy thrives when there are checks and balances in place to ensure that power is exercised responsibly and transparently. The media is a crucial part of these checks and balances, as it plays a role in holding the government accountable and informing the public. If media outlets continue down a path that prioritizes political interests over responsible journalism, the people may indeed suffer, and the core principles of democracy could be undermined. It is essential for media organizations particularly the ELECTRONIC MEDIA to reflect on their responsibilities and regain their integrity to serve the public interest effectively.

If the media loses its integrity, it will have profound impact on the socio-political culture of the country as the whole system will only produce a bunch of sychophants ; who shall be occupying the top positions.

It is often said ; People get what they deserve, so when media is busy feeding people doses of Religion, Mandir, hatred for other religious communities on a regular basis , they are left with no time reporting that Govt has forgotten to - clean up the open drainages, providing under ground drainage systems, carrying out fumigation and improving its health care system and as a result the people suffer.


The erstwhile Governor of Jammu and Kashmir Mr Jagmohan very aptly described this in his book ; My Frozen Turbulence. 


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