This year’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) reveals that Out of 180 we are ranked at 85.
Have we improved even at the perception level becuase this is a perceptional index. Do not shut your mouth because of Political affiliations. we need to realise that at the end its max impact is felt by the COMMON MAN.
The answer is intriguing ;
In 2013 India was placed at 94 thereafter India in a span of one year i.e in 2014 jumped to 85 and since then it is at 85. So, what happened in One year that there was a 9 rank jump ; simple perception and so since then we are at 85.
However, when we go back further we find in 2010 India was at 91, In 2005 at 88, in 2000 we were at 69,in 1995 at 46, perhaps then very few countries were surveyed, Barely 90 and 54 respectively.
If we take a holistic view of our rankings all these years, we would notice , we were generally around the center, few places here and there.
The question then arises Why have we stagnated?
Peter Eigen Chairman of Transparency International says ;
“We all yearn for improvement, but positive change only comes slowly when the enemy is endemic corruption. Perceptions of levels of corruption do not change greatly from one year to the next. Positive results are only going to emerge from tireless and consistent multi-year efforts”.
He further says that In parts of Asia Pacific, the Americas, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, increasing restrictions on accountability measures and basic civil freedoms allow corruption to go unchecked
So what does this Rank of ours indicate.
- Peter Eigen was right positive change only comes slowly, primarily because corruption is an issue related to socio-economic and political conditions that exist in any country/ society.
- India’s Leadership has not been, despite lot of Hulla gulla, able to tackle this issue of corruption in a Holistic manner and hence we have been consistently languishing between 85 and 91 for last two decades (20 YEARS). I am sure Peter Eigne did not mean that the pace will be so SLOW.
- The top countries on this index like Denmark, Newzealand, Finland , Switzerland, Singapore, Japan, UK, USA etc have an efficient justice system and off course the civil liberties and human rights have their own importance.
- The point that we need to understand is ; If there are no Civil liberties, who is going to blow the whistle? In our country the WHISTLE BLOWER himself is Blown off. So civil liberties are essential to encourage the WHISTLE BLOWERS to come forward and report.
- In case the legal system itself is lethargic and ineffective , it will have a spiral effect and there will be an overall decline and eradicating corruption to a reasonable level will always remain a distant dream.
- Till the time people are not engaged in this process, fighting corruption would remain only a political mudda and to be dealt by only the Govt agencies, and so nothing will happen. The Govt agencies will remain like puppets.
- Blaming people for this corruption is wrong because PEOPLE’S BEHAVIOUR is dictated by the system and procedures of the organization/ society/country.
SATYA MEV JAYATE but infact, The truth does not prevail byitself, one has to make the environment conducive for truth to prevail. Right now the environment is ; MARNA HAI REPORT KARKEY.